Sunday, August 17, 2008

The Bird and The Bee Sides

I got really excited when i found out that the Bird and the Bee Sides was out in stores! yay! lol, i've never made a blog before... and this is really cool! i have a youtube, I'm Lucario323, i also have a devatart i'm relientkfangirl, and i have a photobucket and i'm twilightwolf_2000. come check me out sometime.

well, my favorite song of the new album of relient k would have to be either The Lining is Silver, Here I Go or Hope For Every Fallen Man. yayzzzzzz well, i g2g.

About Me

Leaf Village, USA
i luv to draw, write, and listen to relient k!!! i draw a lot of wolves, and naruto. a lot of naruto. i like the color grayish blue and green.